A post the other day by
LittleVet , Negative Prognostic Indicators got me thinking.
I am a Moderator on the Yahoo Group Addison Dogs. It's a large group with about 30 new members a week. We try to educate owners on the different treatment options for their
Addisonian dogs. We help them find ways to get their medications cheaper and in many more cases than I care to admit we help them educate their Vets on the proper diagnosis and treatment of an
Addisonian ( no offense meant to the vets out there who already do a great job with their
Addisonians). I digress though that is the topic for a whole other post.
As I said we get new members all the time and we know it's not good for the dog when:
1. In the membership application they tell you twice how concerned they are about the cost of medication but never mention that they care about their dog. ( these are the ones who rarely get
lytes done and and the dog is always on the edge of crisis )
2. In their first intro post to the group they tell you three times they spent $2500 on diagnosis alone but never once tell you they love the dog.
3. They tell you the dog just got out of the ER that day and they ask how to get the dog to stop pi**
ing ( their word not mine) on the carpet because they can't take much more. ( this dog is making it's last trip to the vet real soon)
4. The dog has been home for 48 hrs but drinking and peeing so much they know it is suffering and they can't bear to watch it any longer and they can't see spending all this money on a dog who is suffering. ( dead dog walking )
5. They ask what happens if they just stop treating the dog.. ( we beg them to
rehome or at the very least take the dog to their Vet for
euthanization rather than let it suffer such a death)
6. They tell you their Vet suggests they euthanize because the dog will never be the same ( this after they find out the medication is for life )..
7. They tell you they are expecting a baby and they tell you how much they really love the dog.. ( the dog is history, although they may ask for help
rehoming )
Why do I do this... oh yeah I love
Addisonian's like Buddy, Ben, Vita, Becky, TJ,
Taz, Millie, Tess, Riley,
JJ, Tallie, Rudy and oh yes my boy Raider...