Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MacBook Pro

As a diehard PC user I never in my wildest dreams thought I would say I liked a mac.. I work on them at work, fix them but have never really had one to "use" long term. Now I do, work gave me a new MacBook Pro to use for work.. I do like it. Now that was hard to say, I never expected to say that at all. I LOVE the backlit keyboard. There are a couple of annoying things but that could be the user..  
Now I cannot manage my Novell networks at school with it so I will have to get windows 7 to put on it to dual boot it because I must be able to manage Novell and I have no intention of carrying two laptops around. 

Anyone else out there switch to Mac from PC??


Well looks like we are making up for the snow that we haven't had much of this year.. The pups love it and would stay out all day as long as I stayed out.. It is light and fluffy now but may not stay that way. It started yesterday and won't stop they tell us until sometime early in the morning..

 It's my ball and you are not throwing it.

 What are you waiting for, throw the ball I'll get it I promise.

 Ok I lost it but I will find it.

 What do you mean we have to go in, it's just a little snow..