I have 3 grandchildren, Emma the oldest at 10, Aselin 2 1/2 and Desmond 2 yrs 3 mos. I get to see the girls pretty much every day as we are lucky enough to live very close. Emma travels to school with me most days as she takes french immersion at one of my schools and where I just happen to have my office. How cool is that... Desmond I don't get to see as much as he lives in Ontario but I did get to be there when he was born and that was one of the greatest moments of my life. I even got to cut the cord. His Daddy got a little weak in the knees at that point. Now the BEST news is now Maddie is expecting again and so in November Desmond will be getting a little brother or sister. It's too soon to tell yet as Maddie is just 9 weeks so stay tuned to find out if it will be a boy or girl!! We are totally overjoyed and we are now going to plan a trip to Ontario for the birth of our next grandchild.. Mom and Dad have asked us to be there this time as well, we did not get pushy and ask...we waited and they asked us... So now I am so excited again.. My lap is not going to be big enough for all four!
I can see the light in your eyes! They are beautiful !!
I'll be watching for your post when the wee one comes along..
Om my goodness, look at them grow! Beautiful bunch grandma!
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