Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve with family and friends

We have a long standing Christmas tradition of gathering for a lobster dinner on Christmas Eve.  There was plenty of lobster as you can see.. and enough left for a nice yummy chowder.

Aselin had her first Lobster last year and now you cannot get it out of the shell fast enough for her. She is an Andrews for sure... Now we just need to work on her Daddy and get him to eat some, as you can see he sadly has "steak" on his plate.

Lois joined us this year and after dinner Aselin has her helping to put a puzzle together. Aselin told Lois she did a "good job".
Not all our family was able to be here, this year miles separate us but "miles do not separate our hearts". Love and miss you Maddie, Steven, Desmond and Danika, see you in March!!

    Hug the ones you love!

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