This is Raider and he is a Calendar boy! Raider has Primary Typical Addisons's and he was diagnosed Oct 19, 2006. He is the Centerfold for the Addison's Dogs 2009 calendar.. and before you ask, "what's with the rooster?" I swear there was no rooster when I took the picture.. Raider is the picture of health, in fact you would never know he had a chronic illness. He has the best vet there is, thanks Dr. Melissa, Raider loves you!
Raider and I belong to the Yahoo group Addisons Dogs and we got amazing support and learned how to properly manage this disease. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/AddisonDogs_/
So if anyone out there has a dog with Addison's and you need some help Addison Dogs is the place to go http://www.addisondogs.com/