Sunday, November 7, 2010

Canine Addison's Disease--to Chris Brown's "Forever"

Canine Addison's Disease--to Chris Brown's "Forever" .

Fourth-year MSU-CVM Students in the Comparative Endocrinology elective designed and performed an entertaining and educational music video about canine hypoadrenocorticism.


Unknown said...

I had 2 AD dogs for 9 1/2 years. I recently lost one due to unrelated heart issues and age, she was 15. I still have my boy who is 11 1/2 years old. There are a lot of wonderful people out there who run Yahoo groups for AD dogs, they saved my kids life more than once! This is a very "doable" disease and they more than pay us back in love and loyalty!!!

Elizabeth said...

I totallu agree with you on the wonderful people who run the Addisons Yahoo Groups...